Herewith a short overview of the developments of the last months:

RSQ1 protocols As promised in our last news update, we wanted to accomplish the first treatment protocols before the end of 2014. At this time, the protocols are available in Dutch and English language and we are still working on new protocols to improve our guidance. If you are certified as an ‘Official RSQ1 therapist’ and interested in these protocols, please send an e-mail to

RSQ1 training course Besides the RSQ1 protocols, we developed our Knowledge Center further, by the accreditation of our training course. Dutch physiotherapists who attend our training course receive six accreditation points for the different registers of General Physiotherapist and Sports Physiotherapist. Since the accreditation of our training course we organized already three training courses in five months.

RSQ1 network Also in the last months, the number of clinics which introduced the RSQ1 into their treatment protocols kept on growing. In the Nederlands, Italy and Switzerland multiple clinics starts working with the RSQ1. In March, our first Spanish clinic will open, the owner of this clinic will also be our Spanish agent. When the clinic opens, you will be informed through our website and/or social media.

Communication As a preparation on our introduction to the Spanish market, we are working on the Spanish version of our website at this time, this will be ready very soon. After our start on twitter this summer, we are getting more and more active via this media and since a couple of weeks ‘RSQ1 Italia’ is also active on twitter. Furthermore, new testimonials from patients and well known athletes are added to our website in the last months.