Combined testimonial of Agnieszka Janasiak, a top Polish Marathon runner and the RSQ1 clinic in Cracow:

In the recent years Agnieszka Janasiak has not been able to repeat her excellent results (for instance Vice Champion of Poland in 2009 Marathon) due to her many contusions. In her last accident after unfortunate fall during practice in December 2017 she broke left fibula. An osteosynthesis surgery was necessary followed by long immobilization of the leg, which led to substantial loss of muscular mass and strength. With use of RSQ1 method and its unique ability to gain strength, we have helped Agnieszka to restore the mass and strength of her muscles. At the same time with NTS system we were able to localize and fix biomechanical an neurological dysfunctions, which had been a primary cause of her recurring contusions. We do hope, that very soon Agnieszka is going to be able to take full advantage of her exceptional talent.